

The original Leatherman tool was inspired by Tim Leatherman’s real-life adventures traveling across Europe over 40 years ago. Today, the idea
that an individual should be self-sufficient, self-reliant and empowered to conquer whatever life might throw at them, whenever and wherever, is
at the core of our design philosophy.

Leatherman products will continue to withstand the test of time, while preparing people for life’s expected and unexpected challenges, journeys,
and adventures along the way.

The ultimate problem solver.

After 35 years of evolving, adapting, and pushing the limits, we challenged ourselves to unknow what a multipurpose tool can be. Redesigned end-to-end, Leatherman FREE is built to turn any obstacle into an opportunity to save the day

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For real life.

The three things you need to conquer your everyday: your know-how, your own two hands, and your Leatherman. After all, a tool is just a tool until you own it. Together, you’re prepared for anything. Bring it on, life.

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